Saturday, November 29, 2014

This I Believe

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          I believe that one's physical appearance doesn't define them. Whether someone is skinny, fat, tall, or short, I believe that everyone should be treated with respect. Bullying someone because of their weight is just down right dirty. Not only does it hurt the person being bullied but it also shows a lot about the character and values of the person doing the bullying. If one says, “words don't hurt,” they're lying because they do. I've experienced a lot of hurt in my lifetime thus far so I’m one of those people that always say, “words don't hurt.” In reality, though, I just brush off anything anyone says to me so the person thinks I don't care but what they said is always in the back of my head.
          I'm a teenager so yes, I have all the social media networks. On twitter, a while back, I would see a lot of people tweeting about weight. At this point, it was going around that everyone was expected to look like a super model and people took offense to it. After this spread, people started hating on skinny people and said everyone should be “thick.” I, being skinny, took offense to this now as well as others. No one should be anything but themselves. Calling someone anorexic because they're skinny or calling someone obese because they're fat, is pathetic. Anorexia and obesity are actual diseases and for people to just be throwing those words around like they're nothing is pretty sad. Not only is bullying a crime but people commit suicide over it as well. About four thousand people commit suicide due to bullying each year. Do you really want to be the cause behind someone's death? Bullying someone doesn't benefit neither the bully nor the one being bullied. You never know what a person is going through and being bullied on top of all their other problems is only making matters worse. Like people say, “if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." 
           As I always say and will continue to say, there are seven billion people in the world. It's quite impossible for everyone to have the same opinion about everything. The number that shows up on the scale when you step on it is just that, a number. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. As long as you're happy with yourself, that's all that matters. It's your life so don't let others tell you how to live it.